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Author: Jonmarc Edwards

Weigh of the World

Weigh of the World is a sobering look at two contrasting panels as extreme as a rainbow and a mine field. Inspired to look at

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Philip Guston Now

Philip Guston Now National Gallery of Art March 2 – August 27, 2023   Photo: JMe Web 1975 Oil on Canvas Museum of Modern Art

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Paris Commune

Painted in 2015, Paris Commune commemorates the takeover of Paris by artists, poets, and laborers for two months in 1871 as a power vacuum occurred

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Plank Road

By the 1850’s, these innovative roads became less and less traveled. As railroads became more common, the high maintenance of plank roads fell out of

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Edwards’ amusing and poignant observations can be seen in this painting, TRIAGE, completed in the summer of 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Oh, Thank Heaven

Oh, Thank Heaven was created in 1977 and depicts the convenience store as wallpaper covering the USA. JMe had discovered Jasper John’s and other Pop

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JME’s Paintings – 1980’s!!

PAINTINGS – 1980s Los Angeles: JonMarc Edwards, 2023. 1st Edition. Publisher’s color photo illustrated, Hardcover, Imagewrap. 98 pages This thought-filled selection of paintings from each year of the

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