Featured Artwork

Mind Body

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Acrylic on Canvas, mixed media

75” x 108”

1996 – 2020

As one of the most influential paintings to have never been shown in a commercial or public setting Mind / Body is a touchstone of ideas personified as an object of iconic proportion. JMe absorbed years of reading, travel and experimentation to finally arrive at a theory of art that both satisfied his effort to create a unique “raison d’être” within the refuge of art while at the same time challenging the very nature of what it means to paint in a Pre Liberated Society.

MIND / BODY is a painting that operates as a continuum beyond a specific timeframe, beyond a set of specific objectives. The development of the painting seems to be dictated by intent and speculation, filling the blank areas of the canvas with new ideas such as Onomatograpikos (words that look like what they denote) or painting over (erasure) older reflections with newer insights and observations. Finally the foundation of Monosyble (flat art), Merge (3D art) and the art of Compressionism as a whole can only be fully appreciated when experiencing these works directly. Decode, Decide, Delight.

Photo: 1998

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