The Fall into Place is a painting constructed from scrap wood pieces (called fallout) with acrylic paint on a 24 x 18-inch wood panel. It is a beautiful display of compositional touch, great color choices, and an intuitive sensitivity to tactile and formalistic concerns. There is very little you can say about this piece because it is so impeccably executed that the work speaks for itself. Visually, it is captivating, invoking a compelling urge in the viewer to touch it – an embodiment of how we perceive it. Why do these colors work? It’s a mystery, but they do, in a handful of hues that feel deliberate and instinctual. Why do these materials work together? Fallout scrap, matte board pieces, and an odd assortment of metallic plastic all enveloped in pigment and semi-gloss ooze that seem to be arranged almost mystically. This delicate balance and intuitive elegance evoke a sense of Feng Shui as if the elements have naturally fallen into place, creating a perfect visual and tactile harmony.
© Copyright 2000-2025. JonMarc Edwards