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GLITCH December 1st – January 13th, 2018 MARKETstudio Silver Lake, CA

glitch – /ɡliCH/

noun – a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity

The images in GLITCH were gathered during cable broadcasts as the frame pixelated and froze, which allowed me time to grab my camera (or phone) and capture the image, a suspension of representation. These screen freezes occurred at home, restaurants or airports, anywhere there were screen transmissions. Much of the subject matter is news, entertainment, weather and sports, our daily bread. All the images are the result of transmission failure, data breakdown and picture fragmentation rather than any purposeful distortion using magnets or software.

Despite the arbitrary circumstances of the GLITCH aberrations they also represent our post-truth age where science, facts and reality are distorted to create confusion, doubt and fake news. It is also compelling that many of the abstract images are symptoms of our socio-political disintegration; capturing meaningless debates, war, commercialism, frozen in time from an unstable technology.

Initially I was attracted to the happenstance of the “Glitches,” the unique compositions of rich color, intriguing patterns and perplexing form randomly determined by the whereabouts and age of the transmitting screen. But ultimately it was the appeal of the visceral pause, the vibration of the technical stutter, a cultural metaphor for our current state of corruption and instability.

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