Press release
Starts: Feb 04, 2017, 5PM – 7PM
Ends: Feb 26, 2017, Noon – 4PM
Los Angeles based artist JonMarc Edwards will be exhibiting “The Debriti Show!” a traveling immersive installation that challenges visitors to “Choose Your Words Carefully.” Beyond Baroque will be transformed into a contemporary textual apothecary utilizing all floors and rooms to exhibit this exciting and formidable exhibition. “The Debriti Show” features word-tenders to personally guide you through the process of textual enlightenment. Both witty and profound “The Debriti Show” explores the transformational power of language and tangible text. An installation located in the Mike Kelly Gallery will showcase this unique blend of concrete poetry meets visual expansiveness. Workshops, performances and special “word-tender” appearances will occur during this month long exhibition, stay tuned for more details.
JonMarc Edwards is a visual artist working in the Silver Lake area of L.A. His work is known for paintings that transforms composed writing into concise, legible pictographic landscapes. JonMarc is a visiting artist & adjunct Lecturer, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA and maintains a studio / gallery, MARKET in Silver Lake.
Beyond Baroque
JonMarc at the Debriti Dispensary, Beyond Baroque, Venice CA 2017
No Ego, Beyond Baroque, Venice, CA 2017
Text Pile Mike Kelly Gallery –樂威壯
Beyond Baroque, Venice CA 2017